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Even a brief look at the work of Louiceus Antelus demonstrates that his imagination knows no boundaries. Always reaching, always exploring, he has an acute eye for the possible. And while some designs are quite elaborate, others are elegant in their simplicity. He knows when more is more, but perhaps more importantly from a composition standpoint, he knows when enough is enough.
He’s had good training. Beginning as an unpaid apprentice with master sculptor, Gabriel Bien Aime at the age of 15, he moved on to work with the Balan brothers, Jonas and Julio. At that point, he started to assume more and more difficult tasks, rose to each occasion, and came to be paid accordingly. The earthquake of January 2010 was cataclysmic for Louiceus, as it was for most of his countrymen. He and his family survived, but he lost much of his work and most of his Haitian customers, many of whom did not pull through the disaster. Of those that did, all but a scant few left Haiti for good. Still Louiceus retains his joie de vivre. In his words, “I love God, my work, little children, football, my country, and I love you all.”
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