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Thanks to his uncle Lionel Brutus, who introduced him to metal sculpture, Joubert Brutus is confident in his craftsmanship - a proud and accomplished artist. “I am great,” he says without a trace of modesty, but it is that boldness of spirit that makes it a pleasure to know him. “I did my first work of art in 2005. It was a beautiful angel and it was in the Haitian Art Mueum. It eventually sold to an ambassador for a very high price.” Encouraged by his early success, he continued to study as an apprentice to Evenson Thenor, Nicolson, and Maxell Brutus. Now that his apprenticeship is complete, he looks forward to striking out in his own shop and doing a brisk business with It's Cactus. “I am very happy to have Casey as boss because she is a good person. She takes care of her artists.”
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