Born in September 1978 to Gusmane Remy and Altagrace Juste, Guy Roberns Remy was drawn to metal sculpture at the age of 10. His hard work and attention to detail paid off. By age 15, he had completed his apprenticeship and reached professional status.
Now in his own atelier, he operates out of the hands-down hippest workshop in the village. It is an atmosphere of inspiration. Voodoo shrines, masks in the trees, found-object statuary, and top-twenty Haitian pop music contribute to the creative ambience. His mind is in constant motion.
For all the "cool" of his persona, he is a man of uncommon humanity, Guy Roberns has spent countless hours volunteering at AfricAmerica, a multi-national organization centered in Port-au-Prince that supports and promotes contemporary arts and artists. Lending his talents to its cause, he does everything from working with children to laying brick and mortar. His dream of being an internationally acclaimed artist surely comes closer by his efforts.
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