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Stanley Brutus remembers the first time Casey Riddell of It's Cactus came into his shop. "I had some pieces drawn on cardboard that she liked. She asked me to make them in the metal and that is what I did. She liked my sculptures and bought many. " Continuing on he says, "It is good that she buys from the artists of Croix-des-Bouquets. That way our art can be seen. You know, Haiti has problems of security and people can't come to see the art. The trade we have makes it possible to become known in the world."
In his free time, Stanley Brutus likes to doodle. Having started learning metal sculpture at the age of five, he knows the importance of good design. Doodling helps him get there. "But," he says, "the hardest thing about metal sculpture is coming up with a good design. It is fun to draw, but you need to imagine what design will fit an item. It is longtime work to make a good design."
Recently, Stanley has been experimenting with sun sculptures. He likes the idea of, "making an image of something we can only observe. We cannot touch or hold it. But to make a sun feels to me powerful."
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