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Born in 1970, Julio Balan is considered one of the most talented metal sculptors on the island. Many, many young artists began their apprenticeships in his workshop, respecting his skill, and regarding him highly. He is married with six children and fills his themes with lively patterns that tell us of an everyday life that is productive, spiritual and satisfying. His work continues to gain an international reputation.
Julio Balan and his three brothers - Jonas, Joel, and Romel - were taught by their close neighbor, Darius Gary. In their lakou, or shared compound, the Balans often work together to produce art from metal drum pieces. Like many of the other sculptors, Voodoo influences their art, with La Sirene, the mermaid being prominent. Additionally, trees of life flourish in many of Julio's sculptoral pieces and lately he has been experimenting with "tall skinnies" - disproportionately long and thin figures performing the actiities of daily life.
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