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Jean Fleurico Delpe knows that good design is the thing. Having created three of It's Cactus' top-selling pieces, he takes design seriously. By his own admission, he says, “When I was in school, I used to make designs for my classmates. But to get ahead in metal sculpture, you have to know how to do that yourself.”
Born in 1979, Jean Fleurico claims he “grew up in a metal sculpture workshop.” His cousin, Jose Delpe was a designer that he looked up to from an early age, but it was Hubert Bernard that gave him his start. Keeping up with his formal education, his grandmother raised him and gave him money to cover the school fees. However, after graduation, it was metal sculpture that drew him and defined his profession. Today, Jean Fleurico supports his extended family. “Now I can make money. I keep doing this for all my life because I fill my need with this work.”
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