It’s Owl Season
What is it about owls and fall? Why is their association with the months of Sept. – November so strong? Every home decorator worth her salt

Haitian metal artist, Francois Wilnord
hauls out owls of every shape, size, and function in the fall but why? Are they the right color for autumn décor? I suppose they are, in the sense of intense golden eyes and feathers in rich, luxurious shades of brown that many of them have. Is their seasonal popularity linked with Halloween? Their plaintive “Whooooo” is mournful and positively eerie coming as it does in the dark of the night. In that regard, owls “fit” the spooky theme.
I dug for a plausible scientific explanation that binds owls to the idea of fall. According to such venerable sources as, “The Barn Owl Trust,” and “The Cornell Ornithology Lab,” many species begin their courtship rituals in mid-to-late autumn, making them more vocal as they beckon their lifetime mates to come hither. Also, avid bird-watchers and casual observers alike realize that owls are more visible during the fall since the tree limbs have become bare. So there’s that.
It seems that autumn and owls do lend themselves to linkage. But why should it be limiting? Owls are wild and free. They soar the skies and penetrate the darkness. If they can do all of that, they can hang in your living room in the spring! Why not??? When they are portrayed in artwork this beautiful, they should be out anytime. All the time. It’s always owl season!
Contributed by Linda for It’s Cactus