“Creepy Crawlers” and Other Garden Friends
It’s kind of too bad, really. “Creepy Crawlers” is a great name, but greater still are the REAL names of REAL bugs. Take for example, “Green Lacewing Aphids,” or “Minute Pirate Bugs” or “Assassin Bugs” or “Spined Soldier Bugs.” What’s more, each of the aforementioned is great in the garden. Voracious predators all, they feed on harmful garden pests which can destroy your labors of love in a twinkling. Healthy populations of these carnivorous insects can go a long way towards protecting your garden as it grows.
The good news is that, with a little advanced planning, you can encourage beneficial bugs to take up residence in a bed of your choosing rather easily. Include plants of various heights in your garden, including ground cover, which gives desirable dwellers a place to hide. Taller flowers with composite blooms, like zinnias and sunflowers, provide attractive food sources to beneficial bugs. Additionally, providing a little water can be helpful. No need for “your” bugs to go to the neighbor’s for a little refreshment. Puddles that form after sprinkling can be sufficient. If you do drip irrigation, place small dishes at intervals and keep them filled for your thirsty friendlies. Mulch with generosity and put out large flat stones which can be crawled under for protection from heavy heat and mid-day summer sun.
Experts rightly advise gardeners to learn to distinguish the “good” bugs from the “bad” ones. For me, visual identification is one tough row to hoe, and proper nomenclature is yet another. I pledge myself to both tasks, but until I get the names straight I’ll just say, “Bring on the Creepy Crawlers!”
Contributed by Linda for Beyond Borders/It’s Cactus