The Menu: Limited Editions
Art pieces in many forms are sold as limited editions, and in the art world, that refers to identical pieces that are produced in small quantities. They represent an opportunity for collectors to purchase a piece that has the dual attractions of being well-executed and accessible, yet in small enough numbers that it’s value (current and future) gets an up-tick. This is true of Beyond Borders Limited Edition section, but it doesn’t tell the whole story.
While we have a fair number of customers that are serious collectors of Haitian metal art, the majority of those that shop with us take a more casual approach. They make a purchase because they like a piece; they enjoy the aesthetics and appreciate the craftsmanship, but not so much with the intention of the piece becoming an investment. With aesthetics and craftsmanship being greater priorities for most of our customers then, we use Limited Editions as a means of making certain designs available that we anticipate will appeal to specific customer groups, smaller than our customer base as a whole.
Take for example our masks: We have several mask designs that are wonderful in concept and execution. The people that love them – though they are proportionately few in number – LOVE THEM! We have several of those designs created as Limited Edition pieces so that they are readily available to those that want them. From a perspective of supply and demand, it allows us to meet demand for masks without infringing on our ability to keep designs that are more widely popular in good supply.
Ronald Brutus with 3 of his sons. Ronald has two pieces in the Limited Edition category; 2626LE and 2718LE
Another function of our Limited Editions section is to serve as a sort of test market for pieces that we think will be well-received. Case in point: “Meda’s Heart,” which is in the catalogue currently as SM460. We introduced it as a Limited Edition piece (LE2723 Meda Heart Large) but learned that it would have greater salability if it were available in a smaller size. Good to know! Also good to know that those that want to make a bigger decorative statement with his larger piece can do so.
Perhaps the most important role of our Limited Editions section is to give more artists a chance to sell their work. With each sale of every piece impacting the lives of our artists in Haiti, it is critical to make the most of every selling opportunity. A small run of production can make a huge difference in the life of a family. And that positive difference is what Beyond Borders is really all about.
Contributed by Linda for Beyond Borders/It’s Cactus
Second in a series of three
Coming next: Reserved Collection