Sometimes We Just Need a Little Help – Part III

This triptych has sat on my buffet table for years, but it occurred to me that it makes a wonderful holiday hearth screen. Wow! I thought outside the box!
What would the holidays be without hauling out the holly and fluffing up the beard on the “soon to be an heirloom” Santa pillow and putting out a few (in my case dozen) poinsettias? Christmas decorating fills my heart with joy, it’s true, but I do find that I put the Santa pillow HERE because it always goes HERE and the nativity set goes HERE and the Three Wise Men go HERE and so on. In other words, without meaning to, and often without me even realizing it, I get in a rut, decoratively speaking.
So not that it would ever happen to you, but if in fact, you did fall into a similar creative void, here’s a look at some ideas that might infuse your thinking with new possibilities. These holiday sculptures may already be part of your “stash.” and if so, you might be inspired to use them in a different way. And if you love what you see, but have not yet acquired, well, My Friend, we can help you with that! Scroll on down, and see what moves you…

Though it has a hanger in the back to display on a wall, the Three Kings can also be propped up on an easel for a tabletop arrangement.

A present on a present! But if you need to put it back with the tree of life after the holidays, be sure to trim the package of someone that lives at home!

So maybe you took this idea from a previous post. Well, if the tree of life comes down and the holiday sampler that your sister-in-law did goes up, here are a few ideas for the birds…