Sometimes, we just need a little help…

Horizontal pieces, such as this one-of-a-kind angel by LaGuerre Dieufaite, can add interest above an interior doorway.
A few weeks ago, I had the great fortune to have a morning to wander through the Sablon section of
Brussels for a few hours, all by myself. The Sablon neighborhood is upscale and wonderful with the highest density of antique shops per square block that I can possibly imagine. In fact there were so many, I started taking photos of them, just for fun. But I didn’t go into any; most were a bit, um, rarefied, shall we say? Except one. It had a
“wanderer-friendly” appearance and in I went. There, amidst the art deco glass and brass buckets was the most glorious manual typewriter. It was French, I could tell by the arrangement of the keys and the accent marks. Accent aigu! Accent grave! I loved it.
LOVED IT. But I didn’t know what to do with it, so I didn’t get it and now I am left with nothing but
aching melancholy and remorse. I bet I could have thought of something. Surely I could have. I’m a clever gal. I could have done something great with that fabulous old typewriter with the French accent marks. Maybe I just needed a little guidance.
Which got me to thinking: How many times have I overheard the remark at trade shows and in the shop, “You know, I really love
this Haitian metal piece, but I don’t know what I would do with it.” OHMYGOSH! Let me spare you the anguish of loving and leaving – your guidance is HERE! Take a look at a few of these ideas for displaying Haitian iron. These photos are not meant to be directive, but suggestive. Hopefully, they will inspire a few ideas of your own. So much the better!

Make a grouping that combines color, texture, and depth. Hang a few birds as though they are about to perch in the tree. (RND 253 plus SM491 B and E)
First in a series. Contributed by Linda for Beyond Borders/It’s Cactus